Wednesday 8 August 2007

Holidays and general ramblings

Off to Oxford at the weekend to see family and chill for a couple of days. Then heading to The Gower Penninsula for some rock pooling, hiking, surfing and camping action. I just keep fantasising about catching fish and BBQing them on the beach!
Then heading to The Green Man Festival at Glanusk Park in Brecon Beacons. Looking forward to seeing Joanna Newson amongst others.
I was hoping to get into London on Saturday to see In Celebration but I just can't abandon the family having travelled down there to specifically see them. Sorry Orlando! To be honest I reckon a Saturday afternoon matinee will be packed with squealers though and I would just feel embarrassed and probably irritated.
Viggo is due to be awarded the Golden Boot on Saturday (can't help but feel that sounds less than complimentary) I'm pleased for him.
There's also news of him possibly attending the San Sebastien Film Festival with David C in September and possibly Danish Film Festival. Not to mention TIFF in September and London in October... So lots of Vig spotting opps up and coming (Always a good thing)
I am really looking forward to seeing EP and especially can't wait to "Good" - there are some pics over at Viggo-Works (including Viggo in Nazi Officers' get up- which gives you pause) I imagine this will be a fascinating piece of work. Wonder when it's slated for release?
Anyway.. I'll be back on 21st Aug and hopefully there'll be some news about Orlando's future projects (lately he's been linked to Angels and Demons and Pompeii- who knows though) and hopefully some pics of Vig receiving his golden boot!

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