Friday 26 October 2007

Eastern Promises

Finally saw EP! Wow! Simon and I had the theatre to ourselves- this doesn't serve as comment on the movie just on Blackbloodyburn on a Friday at ten to six!!!
The movie is fab. All the actors turn in superb performances- we both really rated Aleksandar Mikic- he was really unnerving and the nuances of his performance (I truly believe) are Oscar worthy.
Viggo is amazing in this. So subtle.. the sort of subtelty that you only realise ten mins after leaving... suddenly you are seeing his face and his expressions and dark hooded eyes and you realise that you hadn't noticed that during the film you are actually thinking as though you are a part of it all thinking- what's he thinking- how's he interpreting that? As though you are there in the room and looking at his character and wondering which side to take by the way he reacts. It is so like real life- the way we look at each other and wonder how even people we're close to are reacting to a situation. Viggo is absolutely marvelous in this- and having just watched "The Reflceting Skin" for the first time recently (1990) it makes you realise how Viggo has really honed his own style and craft over the years! I believe Naomi Watts said that Viggo's performance makes the watching of movie worthwhile in and of itself. I agree! Though V Cassell and Aleksander Mikic and Sinead Cusack and of course Naomi herself are all abolutely tremendous.
This movie will be a slow burner.. I think people will see it; eat their burger afterwards and then only realise it's impact when they sleep and the film and characters and darkness and light creep into their dreams. Top Notch! 10/10


On a personal note..... Go Viggo! You are incredible and I think you will be overlooked at the awards and I think you will care not one jot- but one day my friend ("my friend" I wish) you will be acclaimed for your lifetime works and achievements- like buggarall it will matter to you or the way you work.. though as a fan I would personally like to see that moment when they all stand and take a bow in your direction. xxxxxx

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