Saturday 13 October 2007

That thou art blamed shall not be thy defect

Orlando Bloom is being slammed everywhere at the moment. Why? Well it seems the paps were all over him the other night in LA. Those vultures had stories of him going to one spot and then another, what he drank, with whom he spoke (that's clumsy but it was to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition; something you should never end a sentence with.) who the bloody DJ was etc etc yawn yawn.
Next thing they have video of him coming out, getting into a kaffuffle (no violence) and then driving off... and THEN low and behold they are right at the scene filming the immediate aftermath of a car crash. (note: they don't have footage of the crash itself) This maybe because it's hard to film such a thing when you're busy cutting someone up and causing them to swerve into a parked vehicle injuring their passengers!
Agh! whatever! The points of note to me are- yet again the paps are sooo eyes on the prize that they are forgetting basic rules of the road and causing their quarry to forget basic rules of the road. Evil! Then I though - hang on I'm here watching all this on a bloody X17 pap video!! There's this poor lady lying in the road with blood on her and clearly terrified and messed up awaiting the ambulance and anothe lady who's scared and anxious and Orlando (who by the way has been videoed walking away from the crash, pulling a hoody up) who's also distressed by it all. All the while the film footage goes into negative when an almighty flash light goes off!
Why am I watching this even? Why was it filmed! Why weren't more people helping.
All Orlando's key fansites are up in arms calling him for waling off.. I'm bemused.. Can't any one stay loyal?Yep he's walking away for sure! BUT there's a lot of reasons why someone may behave like that- not least shock! Of course everyone is waiting to hear whether he was completely wankered on drink and drugs. Maybe he had a % over the odds and panicked.. but police say not. Leave him alone people who don't care! And people who do- stand by him then!
Jeez louise..

And THEN I remembered that just before "In Celebration" opened in London over in Viggo land (at PP) Viggo posted Shakespeare's Sonnet 70. NOT FOR A SECOND LINKING THE TWO THINGS HERE.

But I thought- hmmm actually that's a beautiful piece and I feel so apt for now...

So today (sorry Will and sorry Vig - for nicking your choice of post)

Sonnet 70- William Shakespeare

That thou art blamed shall not be thy defect,
For slander's mark was ever yet the fair;
The ornament of beauty is suspect,
A crow that flies in heaven's sweetest air.
So thou be good, slander doth but approve
Thy worth the greater, being woo'd of time;
For canker vice the sweetest buds doth love,
And thou present'st a pure unstained prime.
Thou hast pass'd by the ambush of young days,
Either not assail'd or victor being charged;
Yet this thy praise cannot be so thy praise,
To tie up envy evermore enlarged:
If some suspect of ill mask'd not thy show,
Then thou alone kingdoms of hearts shouldst owe.

Let's take a second here to relate the happenings to Lady Diana. Paps.. I guess there's a job to do! We all want to look at the glitzy, the famous. They give us something bright and shiny to gaze on. No one (unless they are sick) wants to see a woman dying in the back seat of a road smash. Thanks be.. that noone was ultimately seriously hurt in Mr Bloom's accident- but..................... who needs another Diana scenario?
Remember these are real people.. not acting a part... living a horrible incident in their lives and it has been recorded and is available all over the globe NOW!
I need to go away and review my own feelings about even looking at something like this. It's irresponsible for me as an individual. Like my choice to smoke- but.. ah!
You know what I mean...

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