Monday 25 June 2007

Perceval Press.. poetry posts

A quick mention and heads up to old VM at PP..
Thanks Vig for some lovely poetry posts of late! Go see all.. I have a link from this blog to PP (for the uninitiated)
Shakespeare's 70th Sonnet.. particularly beautiful! Also I love Charles Bukowski's "Be Kind".

If senor (meaning mainly Mortensen, but Bukowski also) doesn't begrude it, I have pasted the latter..

Be Kind

we are always asked
to understand the other person's
no matter
foolish or

one is asked
to view
their total error
their life-waste
especially if they are

but age is the total of
our doing.
they have aged
because they have
out of focus,
they have refused to

not their fault?

whose fault?

I am asked to hide
my viewpoint
from them
for fear of their

age is no crime

but the shame
of a deliberately

among so many


-Charles Bukowski

Sorry Sir; I just loved this today of all days..
I had a particularly unpleasant experience with a colleage and came home in tears over his cruelty and lack of compassion.
As I drove out of the school ground I swore every bad word I ever heard or could ever make up; I cursed him.
I ran into some tourists; an old couple feeding the wildfowl stale bread... they had created a puddle of ducks and geese and their various young all across the lane!
I guess on viewing the ugly one amongst these "ducklings" hahaha - I guess... old Hans Christian Andersen sprang to mind. I smiled and the tears dried and I remembered how this guy who was so obnoxious had lost his dad 3 weeks ago.
I tried to "be kind"
I also tried to "be kind" to the old couple who had interupted my
mad-driving-jimihendrixplaying- swearing fury by inviting wildfowl to flood my path following their enticing left over "Mothers' Pride" yeasty bread leavings.
It wasn't until about 10 minutes after arriving home, dried up on husband's shoulder that I read the poem left at PP and thought ....
Be Kind!

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