Saturday 16 June 2007


So what's happening to Viggorli?
Man- oh- Man! No one is watching me here are they? That's fine actually; means I can drink and type without guilt!
It's all becoming lost and hidden and paranoid. Why?
My love of V/O started moons ago and I've kept fairly silent and cool; I've watched people fall apart and lose friends over this idiosy. It's so pointless! It's only diversion anyway.
They're actors; that's the only reason we even focus on them- if we see/recognise/believe in love between them- then we need to be very realistic about the unrealism of the whole thing.
I am totally knackered by the secrecy and the lies and the paranoia over something JUST NOT THAT ESSENTIAL (except to the two people involved maybe) For all the others of us- it is just a diversion- and we can give the power of our love and our compassion and whether we find that it's directed at a true thing or an imagining that soothes our own souls' because it is a vision of what love could be... it doesn't warrant falling outs and war!
But in its silly little unimportant way, Viggorli shows us what happens on the greater scale of mankind! All believe and yet ultimately part ways over points of their belief and knowledege/supposed knowledge/hearsay knowledge of any given truth.
Yuech! All I wanted was to find a place to enjoy the careers of a couple of fine actors and seemingly great souls and their potential love for one another. That in itself is sooooo delusional- BUT at least I know that!
I am here for fun- a diversion ! I would prefer to get some escape from day to day by focussing on lO/Ve than wasting my wasted time with hate!
lO/Ve; love love love love.... forever love!


Anonymous said...

Ciaooo! :) I'm back from my vacation but i don't want to come back on ljland! *lol* Just like you said It's all becoming lost and hidden and paranoid and i feel out of place more than ever.

Nice blog! :)

anfreya said...

Thanks thanks thanks Km.. Glad you enjoyed your hols.. sounded great! I keep intouch with you over at LJ land..
E me sometime. I think we're on the same wave length and I'm glad you sought me out.
Yeah this blog is my way of talking ... I know a lot will not be relevant to your average Vigorlean- but I wanted to be heard first hand for a change.
Anyway-can't thank you enough for stopping by and actually taking the time to comment.
Email sometime too - if you get a mo!
Love and best